Cigna Global Health Benefits' Medical Benefits Abroad® (MBA) offers eligible Duke employees and dependents supplemental benefit coverage for unexpected injuries and illnesses that may occur while traveling internationally on Duke business for six months or less.

Coverage under the plan is available without enrollment and at no additional cost for full-time benefits-eligible employees, spouse or same-sex partner and dependent children up to age 26. Employees must have primary coverage through Duke or another insurance provider.

Please refer to Duke's Cigna MBA insurance website for additional information, including benefits, a downloadable Cigna MBA card and claim forms.



Duke University partners with International SOS to provide its travelers with assistance and evacuation services abroad. International SOS services are designed to supplement the policies, procedures and support staff which the University already has in place as well as your personal international health insurance. 

Please refer to Duke's International SOS website for a detailed list of program benefits and a link to Duke's online International SOS portal.