DKU@Duke Logo

This site consolidates the financial information found across multiple Duke websites and additional information specific to DKU undergraduate Students at Duke. We hope you find it helpful. Please reach out to us at with any questions.

Cost to Attend Duke

24/25 Cost

Additional information on the Cost to Attend Duke is provided in the following links:

Explanation of Fees

Student Housing


Student Health

Billing Schedule

Fall bills will be available on June, 24, 2024 via DukeHub and are due  August 1, 2024. Spring 2025 bills will be prepared on November 25, 2024 and will be due the fourth business day in January 2025. You will receive an email when these are available on DukeHub.


Summer 1 2025 Bills will go out April 15, 2025 and will be due May 12, 2025.

Summer 2 2025 Bills will go out May 15, 2025 and will be due June 12, 2025.


You are notified via e-mail when billing statements are generated. If you do not receive a billing statement, you may print a copy of your statement directly from the DukeHub website.

Add a Proxy to Your Duke Student Account

Is someone helping you pay your bill at Duke? If so, you can add them to your account. Anyone to whom you have given Proxy Access to view your bills on DukeHub will be copied on the billing emails when they are sent to you. Please visit for instructions on how to grant Proxy Access.

Monthly Payment Plan

Duke University partners with Nelnet to allow students and their parents* to pay monthly payments from July 1 through November 1 for the Fall semester or December 1 through April 1 for the Spring semester for a non-refundable plan enrollment fee of $40. Payments are automatically withdrawn from a domestic bank.

For more information, visit (link is external) or contact Nelnet at 1-800-609-8056.

* Proxy payers do not have access to create Nelnet plans through their Duke Hub Account; a student must login through their Duke Hub Account to navigate Nelnet to add authorized payers.

Loans and Federal Aid

Please be reminded that DKU is not a participating school for Title IV funding (the U.S. Federal Student Aid Program) and therefore DKU students are not able to take out a traditional U.S. student loan. Although Duke University has this designation, it is not applicable to DKU students, even while they study at Duke, because Duke is not their home institution. Study Away students are considered guest students from the perspective of the U.S. Federal Student Aid Program. If you have questions about financial aid, please direct them to the DKU Financial Aid office at  and someone will be glad to assist you. Kindly note that the Duke Office of Financial Aid is not able to assist DKU students in this matter.

Holds on Student Accounts

Do you have a hold on your account at Duke or DKU? These will prevent you from signing up for Duke housing and enrolling in classes at Duke or DKU. What to do if you have a hold:

For Outstanding Balances

You can reach out to the Duke Bursar’s Office ( to discuss payment options so that you can show progress toward paying down the balance and request approval for course registration.

Other questions can be directed to

For Student Verification

Duke requests that you verify your personal information. To complete the verification process:

  1. Log into
  2. Click on the “Student Verification” link in your Tasks section under My Information in DukeHub.

Special Notes: