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This information is for members of the Duke community interested in learning more about DKU undergraduate students and their study away program at Duke. Have a question not answered here? Email DODR at or contact a member of the DODR team directly.

The university anticipates undergraduate enrollment of approximately 1,300 students in Fall 2022, with students representing 61 countries. Approximately 30 percent of the total undergraduate enrollment are students from outside of China. The long-term objective is a highly international student body of 2000 students (500 per class year), with a steady state goal of 40 percent international students.

The DKU undergraduate curriculum was designed to blend a liberal arts and sciences education with modern interdisciplinary learning. The curriculum is grounded in seven key principles and incorporates hands-on research, problem-based and team-based learning, and the freedom to craft individual pathways.

As part of the DKU undergraduate program, students take common core courses, language, and major courses, plus electives. In addition, they complete signature work consisting of coursework, experiential education and a signature project.

DKU graduation requirements and majors are different from Duke’s. DKU currently offers 16 majors, some of which have multiple tracks. Each major consists of a set of foundational courses drawn from the relevant divisions (Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, or Natural and Applied Sciences), interdisciplinary courses that integrate different forms of knowledge, disciplinary courses that provide expertise in specific areas, and electives. Students declare a major during their second year. Details about DKU general education and major-specific requirements can be found in the DKU Undergraduate Bulletin.

The DKU academic calendar has fall and spring semesters that run from late August through mid-December, and from early January through early May. Each semester is divided into two seven-week sessions, during which students typically take two courses at a time. DKU classes meet Monday-Thursday; Fridays are reserved for field trips, practicum, community projects, or exploring individual interests.

Students who successfully complete the DKU undergraduate program receive two bachelor degrees, one from Duke and one from DKU. The type of degree (e.g. BA, BS, etc.) depends on the specific major. Graduating students become alumni of both institutions.

DKU undergraduate students may opt to study at Duke for a semester (fall or spring) during their junior year. They may also enroll in Duke summer courses on campus, or remotely if classes are taught online. 

DKU undergraduate students have been studying at Duke in Durham and at the Duke Marine Lab since Fall 2020. As COVID-related measures restricted international students from traveling to China, Duke has hosted students from all class years – from freshmen to seniors – through Spring 2022. In academic year 2022-2023, Duke will be hosting primarily juniors and seniors.

While at Duke, DKU undergraduate students may enroll in any undergraduate courses numbered 500 and below for which they meet prerequisite requirements or receive instructor permission, where applicable. Juniors and seniors may also enroll in courses numbered between 500-699 with the permission of the instructor and academic dean.  Some Duke courses are approved for DKU major requirements; the majority will count as electives.

DKU undergraduate students must register for a full load of four (4) Duke course credits and can register for up to five (5) Duke course credits.

During academic year 2020-21, 2021-22, and 2022-23, visiting DKU undergraduate students were permitted to remotely enroll in one or two DKU courses while at Duke, to facilitate completion of degree requirements unmet during the pandemic. Starting academic year 2023-24, visiting DKU undergraduate students must fully enroll in Duke courses.

DKU undergraduate students who study at Duke are assigned registration windows along with Duke students in the same class year.

DKU undergraduate students are supported by DKU academic advisors, as well as a dedicated Duke academic dean and academic advisors. The DODR team helps DKU undergraduate students connect with resources and services across campus. If unsure how to assist a DKU undergraduate student at Duke, please contact or reach out to one of our team members directly.

While at Duke, DKU undergraduate students can participate in a wide range of co-curricular and extra-curricular programs, activities, student groups, etc. Programs and organizations that require a longer commitment or presence on campus, such as Greek organizations are not available to DKU undergraduate students.

While studying at Duke, DKU undergraduate students are required to live in Duke residence halls. Assignments are made by Duke Housing and Residence Life based on student applications.

Members of the Duke community can meet visiting DKU undergraduate students just as you would meet Duke students – in classes, programs, student organizations, and everywhere on campus. DODR staff and members of the student group KSAC can also help you connect with DKU undergraduate students.

Please contact DODR at if you have questions or believe a student needs support. For urgent support after hours, contact the Dean on Call at (919) 970-4169.