The DODR Student Engagement team empowers DKU students to engage with the Duke community and fosters student success at Duke by providing individualized advising, meaningful programming, and curated resources. 

Our team consists of Senior Program Coordinator for Student Life, Kelsey White, Senior Program Coordinator for Academic Support, Meiren Chen and Director of DKU Student Engagement, Irina Adams. We can't wait to meet you and help you discover the amazing opportunities available to you at Duke.

We plan and deliver info sessions and orientation, arrange a diverse range of academic events, trainings, and social activities throughout the year, coordinate services and support for you across campus, and guide you to relevant coursework, research, co-curricular activities, student groups, and other meaningful opportunities. We are here to help you thrive at Duke!

Stay updated on our latest events and opportunities by checking out the DKU@Duke newsletters, as well as following DKU at Duke on Instagram!